A cross-platform app for organising recipes and shopping lists
The project was carried out by a Russian IT company that brings together professionals from around the world to work on different digital products
the exit rate below
drop-off points decreased
the conversion rate for the first month
Project manager, Product manager, Frontend developer, Backend developers, DevOps, QA
X6 Indigo Design Award
X2 NY Product Design Award
X4 NYX Design Award
X3 London Design Award
Business goals
Streamline the existing interface
Attract more new users
To optimise the work process, the project was divided into smaller phases. In the first phase, my focus was on streamlining the interface as the primary business goal, while in the second phase, I aimed to attract more new users
Goal for the first phase
Streamline the existing interface
User challenges
Users struggle to complete the 'Recipe Page,' resulting in wasted time and frustration, which leads to incomplete entries
define user pain points
Expert interview
User interview
User pain points
Overly complicated forms on the 'Recipe page' overwhelm users, causing frustration and abandonment
Non-intuitive input formats and standard-only measurement units challenge users who need custom entries
Users struggle to save their progress due to the hard-to-find save button, leading to frustration and data loss
Refine user flow
To better understand where users encounter pain points within the product, I created a user flow
Prioritising user pain points
To manage time effectively, I decided to start with improvements to the "Recipe page" based on the team brainstorming session
Optimising input fields
As the product is positioned as a personal notebook, I considered the user can add information according to their preferences and needs
I reduced the number of input fields, focusing on essential functions
To address the issue of users struggling to save their progress, I added fixed buttons for saving and canceling modifications
A significant moment
I realised that integrating AI (Artificial Intelligent)could simplify the user journey when adding recipe details. As a result, our team decided to test this idea immediately on existing prototypes
A significant moment
Based on my secondary research, I discovered that users frequently input subjective measurements such as 'pinch' or 'to taste' in their cooking notes. As a result, dropdown menus were replaced with text fields, allowing users to write down measurements as they naturally would